About Brother Chris
Hi everyone! My name is Chris Tonge – and this is my story (so far). I was born in Winchester, UK in December 1987. I was brought up in a Christian home where my parents instilled a discipline of putting God first. From a young age, I knew there was a call of God for my life – although it’s not something I can ascribe to any particular experience or encounter. It was a conviction that kept growing within me as I grew older. I recognise this also preserved me from falling into the common temptations that often lure young people, especially of this generation.
This hunger for God and a deeper desire for intimacy with Him motivated my parents to visit many churches and Christian events around the world. For example, we spent the millennium crossover night at the Toronto Airport Christian Fellowship (TACF) with Pastor John Arnott. One such spiritual excursion led them to The Synagogue, Church Of All Nations (SCOAN) in Lagos, Nigeria – the ministry led by God’s Servant, Prophet T.B. Joshua.
I first accompanied my family to The SCOAN at the age of 13. What I experienced on that trip was truly life-changing. I witnessed raw miracles which defied human comprehension and the Gospel preached with simplicity and power! The day before we left, I met Prophet T.B. Joshua in his office. He spoke just a few words but they were catalysts for change that remain forever imprinted in my heart. “You have a bright future – but if you want to follow Jesus, you need to leave your friends.”
These words eventually culminated in a decision for me to disconnect from many of my friends by leaving the school I was attending at that point midway through the term. I rather completed my secondary school education in a Christian school – King’s School Senior – where the atmosphere was more conducive for my faith journey. The week after I completed my GCSEs at the age of 16, I went to The SCOAN in Lagos, Nigeria with the aim of seeking God’s face to know the next step in my life-journey. One week turned into seventeen years!
I was privileged to be a disciple of Prophet TB Joshua and stayed with him until God called him home on June 5th 2021. It’s impossible to convey in words what God used Prophet TB Joshua to do in my life or the lessons I learned through the years of his mentorship. In October 2018, I was among those Prophet TB Joshua commissioned to publicly minister prayer to people at The SCOAN – an incredible honour. I will forever remain grateful to God for bringing me to The SCOAN in Nigeria to receive such Heavenly training under such an anointed servant of God.
After his passing, all of the international disciples of Prophet TB Joshua were asked by the new leadership at The SCOAN to return to our countries for a time of rest and to seek God’s face for the next steps in our journey. After a time of prayer and reflection, the Holy Spirit gave me a clear conviction to launch a new ministry – God’s Heart TV.

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